Dixie from Birch Run Road to Junction.
This portion also includes the Roundabout at Curtis and Dixie.
Work between Birch Run Road and Townline should be cleaned up this week. Paint is scheduled for today. There may be some shoulder and yard cleanup that will still need to be addressed.
The roundabout construction is continuing with West Bound Curtis road closed at Dixie. Please follow the detour. Dixie will remain open at Curtis. The roundabout is expected to be completed by Labor Day.
The current plan is to adjust the traffic shift on Dixie at Curtis to the opposite side just after the Independence weekend. The traffic shift is needed to complete the westerly half of the roundabout.
The roadway between Townline and the Cass River Bridge should be finished when the roundabout is finished.
Dixie from Willard to Birch Run Road
This portion will be bid in late June. A traffic signal will be added at the Burt Road intersection and center left turn lanes will be added for this intersection. Construction for this portion of road will likely begin in late July. The roadwork will likely be complete by November with the signal installation likely in the winter. The low bidder for this road section was Pyramid Paving.
If you have any questions,
Dan Armentrout
Director of Engineering