What is the DDA?
"DDA" is an acronym for "Downtown Development Authority." The purpose of a DDA is to organize and facilitate investment into a town or city's downtown area. Most downtowns feature unique and privately-owned small businesses, so a DDA is often closely associated with encouraging people to shop locally to support small business and local communities.
The Bridgeport Charter Township Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is focused on the enhancement of economic growth and social well-being within our business district. Beyond our daily goal of developing the Dixie Hwy. Corridor to be even more appealing to visitors, the Downtown Development Authority serves as a proud supporter for area businesses and an advocate for residents.
Purpose –
The DDA is responsible for promoting economic development within its district and eliminating the causes of property value decline. The DDA’s statutorily required Development and Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Plan serve as a guide for the continued development of the Downtown District. The plan emphasizes measures to attract and stimulate additional investment in the district, providing public infrastructure to support private investment, conducting business recruitment and retention activities, marketing, planning and identifying potential catalyst projects and amenities to stimulate development.
The DDA has played a variety of constructive roles since its creation. It has been, and continues to be, an economic development agency, a redevelopment agency, a marketing organization, and a coordinator and facilitator among various private and governmental entities involved in Bridgeport Charter Township’s Downtown District. The vitality and dynamism of the Downtown District are tangible testimony to the effectiveness of the DDA and its vision.
Funding –
Funding for DDA projects is accomplished by “Capturing” dollars that would otherwise be paid to Saginaw County, Delta College, Bridgeport Township and the Bridgeport Township Library. Captured dollars for 2019 are about $374,900.00 with recurring expense commitments (including sewer bond payments) at about $371,160.00. The DDA has pledged $400,000.00 from its fund balance for Dixie Hwy. Road repairs over the next two years. Taxpayer’s taxes are not increased (although the authority is there) but without an authorized Downtown Development District, these monies would not be available for projects within Bridgeport Township.
History –
Bridgeport Charter Township established its Downtown Development Authority (DDA) under Michigan Public Act 197 of 1975 and gave the DDA all the powers available to it under State law. The Bridgeport Township DDA was created to encourage economic development and to increase tax base in the community. It is responsible for making public improvements, and may offer other incentives to businesses locating with its DDA District. The Bridgeport Charter Township DDA now operates under the New Michigan Public Act 57 of 2018.